Nuacht na Seachtaine seo (18/11/2022)

Ceolchoirm sa Halla (Oiche an Satharn)
Beidh ceolchoirm sa Halla ar an Satharn, 19ú Samhain ag 7.45i.n. le taispeántaisí ó óg agus aosta an cheantair ar an stáitse Breis Eolais ó: Fionni 086-8051790/ John 086-1703132
Concert in the Halla
Concert in the Halla Saturday 19th November with some local children and adult performers. For info: Fionni 086-8051790/ John 086-1703132
Sprioc data! (An Domhnach)
Feilire 2023
An Domhnach an 20ú lá do Mhí na Samhana
Cathfidh na pictuirí a bheith toghta i mBéal Átha
Pictuirí comthrobhar amnain do pictuirí ma miosa
Toghta i 2022
Seol chuig an riomhphost seo
nú cnaipe chuimhne a thabhairt chuig Breandán Ó Tuama
Closing Date!
2023 Calendar
The closing date for the entries for the 2023 calendar competition is Sunday 20th of November
Photos to be taken in Ballingeary
A landscape orientation (Horizontal ) photo for month picture only.
Portrait orientation (Vertical) pictures OK for inside pages and the competition
Pictures taken in 2022 only.
Send entries to this email or a memory stick given to Brandy Twomey.
Best of luck
Coiste Forbartha
Ta fograí le chuir agaiin ar na bothaire chun eolas a scaipeadh faoi na foirgintí gnó agus an GTeic . Beid muid á chuir ar na bthaire an tseachtain seo.
Míle buíochas as an Corcumann a thug urraíocht as iad a dheanamh.
Coiste Forbathha
In an effort to spread the news of the available business buildings and the gtech
we hace made up signs for the roads.
Thanks to the Corcumann for sponsoring the signs.
Coiste na Tuismathoirí Scoil Naomh Fionnbarra
Scoil Fhionnbarra – Bailiúchán Éadaí
Beidh bailiúchán éadaí ar siúl i gColáiste na Mumhan Dé Sathairn 3ú Nollag ó 5 – 7pm agus Dé Domhnaigh 4ú Nollag ó 9:30 – 11:30am.
Tuilleadh eolais ar 087-9860249 agus 0863372942
Go raibh maith agat.
Naomh Fionnbarra National School
Clothes collection in Cholaiste Na Mumhan Saturday 3rd Dec 5 – 7pm and Sunday 4th 9:30-11:30
More info 087-9860249 or 0863372942
You are invited to join with SECAD, local communities and expert speakers for an exciting and critically important discussion about how communities and key service providers in Cork can actively support the aims and ambitions agreed by world leaders during COP 27. This event will take place on 30th November 2022 at the Radisson Hotel Little Island, 4pm-8pm. We will be joined by leaders in the field of sustainability including Dr Tara Shine and Mindy O’ Brien. Tara has advised world leaders and international organisations on climate change and sustainable development and Mindy is Chief Executive with VOICE Ireland, one of Irelands and Europe’s fastest growing member-based environmental charities.
Choirm Cheóil don dialann
Ar mhaithe le Óisín
Coiste Forbartha Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh
Tá fís curtha le cheile againn chun na foirgintí Údarais atá le fáil ar cíos as tsráid a fhogairt.
Bheadh sé an huntaistiúil don áit dá mbeadh gnóna ionta go léir
Dean an fís seo a scaipeadh más feidir leat ar Facebook agus Linkedin is pé módh eile gur feidir leat le do thoil
Tá muid fíor bhuíoch do Donal Ó Laoire as an script a leiriú don fís
Is féidir email a seoladh chuig nú glaoch ar Údarás ar 066 91 50100
Coiste Forbartha
The Choiste have produced a video of the industrial, business and office spaces to rent in Ballingeary.
It would be of huge benefit to Ballingeray if these units and offices were fully utilised.
Please share the following link as much as you can on social media apps such as Facebook and Lindedin and any other you may have access to.
A very special thanks to Donal Ó Laoire who presented the script on the video so well.
For information email or ring Údarás on 066 91 50100.
Meitheal na Gaoilainne
Seanfhocail Seachtain 38
Mol an óige agus tiochaidh sí. Encourage young people and they will get together. (Praise the youth and it will flourish).
Is uaisle an clú ná an t-ór. Reputation is more important than gold.
Ní bhíonn an rath ach mar a mbíonn an smacht. There is no prosperity without discipline.
Eist leis na seanfhocail anseo – Listen to the proverbs here.
Beidh ort Google Drive a bheith agat
Feach ceangailte comh maith
See attached also to listen to the seanfhocail.
Cumann Peile Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh
Gruagaire i gCuan Barra
Is feidir coinne a dhéanamh leis an gruagaire ach glaoch ar Joanne ar 0877798592.
Hairdresser in Cuan Barra
Hairdresser available in Cuan Barra by appointment. Call Joanne on 0877798592.
Teiripeoir Áilleacht
Cecily Ní Chonaill
Cuan Barra gach Ceadaoin
Chuir glaoch/seol téacs chuig Cecily ar 085 167 9563
Cecily O’ Connell
On Wednesdays in Cuan Barra
Call or text Cecily on 085 167 9563
Nuachtlitir an Pharóiste / Parish Newsletter
Feach an nuachtlitir ceangailte
Cumann Ceamara Locha Lua
Pictiúrí na seachtaine/Photos of the week.
Féach faoi iamh pictiúrí na seachtaine ó Chumann Ceamara Locha Lua.
Bhí tearma oscailte an t-seachtain seo. (Griangrafadóirí: Nora O Riordan agus Tadhg Ó Duinnín).
See attached the photos of the week from the local photography club-Cumann Ceamara Locha Lua.
There was an open theme this week. (Photographers Nora O Riordan and Tadhg Dineen)

Sa bhreis