Nuacht na Seachtaine seo (27/10/2023)

Active Retirement Group Events
Beidh bingo i gCuan Barra oiche amaireacha n 28ú ag a 8
Tabhair do cáirde Bingo leat
Bingo in CUAN BARRA this Saturday 28th October at 8pm
Bring your Bingo Buddies ,All Welcome.
Uibh Laoire Parish Active Retirement Association are having a Dance in Inchigeela Hall on Wednesday 1st.November from 8pm till 10.30pm.
Music by Jerome Coakley & Charlie Crowley. Get your dancing shoes ready!! All Welcome
Coiste Tithíochta Uibh Laoire
Árasán ar fáil ar cíos i gCuan Barra Beal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh. Chuir glaoch guthán ar 086 3557522 nú 086 8706990
Uibh Laoire Housing group
Flat available to rent in Cuan Barra Ballingeary Phone 086 3557522 or 086 8706990 for further information
Cumann Ceamara Locha Lua
Féilire Béal Átha 2024
Tá muid ag lorg pictuirí don féilire agus an chomortas do Corn Valerie O’Donochú
Cathfidh na griangrafanna a bheith toghta i mBéal Átha agus i rith an bhliain seo.
Seol na grian grafanna chuig
Camera Club
2024 calendar and competition for the Valerie O’Donoghue cup
2 rules
Photos must be taken in Ballingeray
Photos must be taken this year.
Please send entries to
Closing date November 19th.
Meitheal teanga Béal Atha’n Ghaorthaidh
Plean Teanga Múscraí
Ranganna Gaolainne
Gaeilge bunusach
Ag tosnú ar an Dearadoin an 9ú la do Mhí na Samhna
I Scoil Mhuire ó 7:30 go 9
i gcóir sé seachtaine.
Txt 086 0866668
Language group
Night classes
Basic Irish
Starting on Thursday Nov the 9th.
7:30 to 9 in Scoil Mhuire
Courses run for 6 weeks.
Contact 086 0866668
Coiste na mBailte Slachtmhara
Pictuir dos an bailte mor thimpeall Iarthar Chorcaí
Tidy Towns
See the Tidy Towns marks for towns and villages in our section which is West Cork
Tráth na gCeist
Beidh gá tráth na gceist ag tacú le Cumann Ailse na hÉireann.
An 24ú Mhí na Sathan agus 1ú Mhí na Nollag
Charity Quizzes
There will be two quizzes in support of THE IRISH CANCER SOCIETY
24th of November and the 1st of December.
Plean Teanga Mhúscraí
Beidh fáilte fial flaithiúil roimh pobal Chúil Aodha agus lasmuigh, teacht inár dteannta Dé Domhnaigh seo chughain 29ú,11r.n. taréis Aifrinn chun Áras Eamonn Mac Suibhne i gCúil Aodha le h’aghaidh plé,tae agus comhrá agus eolas a fháil ar thogra nua don sráid bhaile.
Sin an Mór Mhaisiú ar bheann tí le Muintir Uí Iarfhlaithe atá ina gcónaí le h’ais an t-séipéil.
Tá an Mural/Mór Mhaisiú bunaithe ar dhán a chum an file ‘An Suibhneach Meann’ nó Pádraig Mac Suibhne. Beidh tae is sólaistí go leor do cách!
The Cúil Aodha Community are cordially invited to Áras Éamon Mac Suibhne (Cúil Aodha Hall) Next Sunday the 29th at 11am (after10am mass) for a public consultation meeting regarding a proposed Mural for the gable wall of the house adjacent to the chapel yard. (O’Herlihy home). The Mural of a Butterfly has been inspired by a poem of the title ‘An Peidhleachán’ composed by our local poet Pádraigh Mac Suibhne also known as ‘An Suibhneach Meann’.
There will be refreshments for all and entertainment from the local school children.
Dreacht Plean Straitéiseach Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh
Feach an Plean anseo
Nú ar anseo
Draft Ballingeary Strategic Plan
The Coiste Forbartha has developed a draft Strategic Plan for our village!
The intended audience for this document is all of the stakeholders in the community of Béal Áth’an Ghaorthaidh, including all local residents, clubs,community groups and businesses as well as neighbouring Gaeltacht Muscraí communities, and governmental and NGO’s such as Údarás na Gaeltachta, Comharchumann Forbartha Mhúscraí, Macroom Council, Cork County Council, Local Development Companies, Failte Ireland.
It presents a vision of the community on a ten year horizon, together with an analysis of the current situation in terms of present day strengths and weaknesses of the community and its infrastructure.
A series of actions and objectives are presented, which are referenced to the current draft of the Cork County Development plan.
Our plan will be communicated to the various stakeholders mentioned above and should assist us in dealing with these organisations on the various issues arising, as well as lending credibility to grant applications by presenting the “big picture in the community”.
The plan is labelled a DRAFT PLAN because it is intended to be a LIVE DOCUMENT, continuously updated and reposted on our web site. All members of the community are encouraged to make input for additions or changes to the draft so that it can stay in alignment with the wishes of the community itself. Input can be sent to at any time.
See the Plann here on Google Drive
Or on here
Cancer Connect
Tá Cancer connect ag lorg tamanaí deonacha
Feach a billeog ceangailte.
Cancer connect
Cancer connect are looking for voluntary drivers
See the attached leaflet
Cumann Peile Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh
Craobhchomórtas Fé 21
Béal Átha v Uibh Laoire
Anocht an Aoine ag 7:30
i Maigh Cromtha
Imeachtaí i Réidh na nDoirí
Tuairín Dubh
Tá an albam ar díol siopa Úi Dhuinnín
Tuairín Dubh
The albam of the show is for sale in Siopa Uí Dhuinnín at present.
Cumann Peile Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh
Comhghairdeas don foireann Soisear “C”
Seaimpíní lár Chorcaí.
Glanadh gluaisteáin
New carwash business
Chiropodist nua
Beidh an chiropdist i gCuan Barra ra an 5ú lá do Meán Fhomair
Agus gach Máirt ina dhiaidh sin.
Margaret Dilworth 087 7648527
Chuir glaoch uirthi chun coinne a dheanamh
Chiropodist Margaret Dilworth will attend Cuan Barra on September 5th and the first Tuesday of every month after that. Phone for appointment 087 7648527
Tan Álainn
Dá mba mhaith leat Tan a fháil i do thig féin
Dean glaoch a chuir ar Mairéad ar 086 3708966
Tan Álainn – Mobile Spray Tanning
A luxury spray tanning experience within the comfort and privacy of your own home.
Call or text Mairéad on 086 3708966
Visit Tan Álainn on Instagram/Facebook for more information.
Gruagaire i gCuan Barra
Is feidir coinne a dhéanamh leis an gruagaire ach glaoch ar Joanne ar 0877798592.
Hairdresser in Cuan Barra
Hairdresser available in Cuan Barra by appointment. Call Joanne on 0877798592.
Teiripeoir Áilleacht
Cecily Ní Chonaill
Cuan Barra gach Ceadaoin
Chuir glaoch/seol téacs chuig Cecily ar 085 167 9563
Cecily O’ Connell
On Wednesdays in Cuan Barra
Call or text Cecily on 085 167 9563
Nuachtlitir an Pharóiste / Parish Newsletter
Tá an nuachtlitir ceangailte an tseachtain seo.
Cumann Ceamara Locha Lua
Pictiúrí na seachtaine/Photos of the week.
Bhí tearma oscailte an t-seachtain seo. (Griangrafadóirí: Jimmy Farrell agus Padraig Dan Seán).
See attached the photos of the week from the local photography club-Cumann Ceamara Locha Lua.
There was an open theme this week. (Photographers Jimmy Farrell and Padraigh Dan Seán)

Sa bhreis