Nuacht na Seachatine seo (9/12/2022)

Cumann Staire Uibh Láoire
Seolfar Seanachas Phatsy Chit 2 i gCuan Barra ag 8i.n. ar an Aoine, 9ú Nollag.
Historical Society
The local history/folklore book Seanachas Phatsy Chit 2 will be launched in Cuan Barra on Friday, December 9th at 8pm.
Cumann Uinsionn de Pól Naomh Ronán, Uibh Laoire – St Vincent de Paul, Uibh Laoire
We would greatly appreciate any contribution to our annual appeal which takes place on the 10th and 11th of December. There will be a second collection at all masses that weekend. This year there are also envelopes available in the church porches which can be returned to church baskets, posted or given to any SVP member.
Alternatively, anyone who wishes to make an online donation can donate locally on
Donors simply need to enter your Conference name (Naomh Ronán Uibh Laoire) in the box ‘Specific location to help’ on the donate page.
We would like to thank you for your generous contributions to our annual appeal via the church collections over the years. All monies collected is used to assist those in need in our parish. We ask to please consider making a contribution, no matter what size, in the new formats outlined above to our annual appeal this year.
If anyone is in need of assistance please contact us on 085 2490061
We wish to thank everyone for their continued support and wish you all a happy Christmas
We would greatly appreciate any contribution to our annual appeal which takes place on the 10th and 11th of December. There will be a second collection at all masses that weekend. This year there are also envelopes available in the church porches which can be returned to church baskets, posted or given to any SVP member.
Alternatively, anyone who wishes to make an online donation can donate locally on
Donors simply need to enter your Conference name (Naomh Ronán Uibh Laoire) in the box ‘Specific location to help’ on the donate page.
We would like to thank you for your generous contributions to our annual appeal via the church collections over the years. All monies collected is used to assist those in need in our parish. We ask to please consider making a contribution, no matter what size, in the new formats outlined above to our annual appeal this year.
If anyone is in need of assistance please contact us on 085 2490061
We wish to thank everyone for their continued support and wish you all a happy Christmas
Coiste Forbartha
Céad crinniú eile ra an gCeadaoin ag a 9 i Árd na Laoí.
Múran ar an gclár
Buail isteach is dean do chuid.
Coiste Forbatrtha
The December meeting will be held next Wednesay night the 14th in Árd na Laoí at 9pm.
Come along and do your bit for your community.
Scoil Mhuire
Gach bliain, um Nollaig, reachtáiltear crannchur ar son acmhainní agus áiseanna spóirt & siamsaíochta na Scoile. Is scoil bheag sinn, agus léirítear é seo sna deontaisí a thagann chughainn. Dá bhrí sin, táimíd ag brath go mór ar an gcrannchur seo mar acmhainn scoile.
Bheimís go mór faoi chomaoin agaibh dá dtacófar lenár gcrannchur. Tá ticéidí ar díol ag €2 an ceann ag daltaí na scoile, I Siopa Uí Dhunnín agus ar fáil ón scoil.
Beidh an tarraingt ar siúl Dé Céadaoin 21ú lá Nollag sula scarfaimid do Laethanta Saoire na Nollag.
Bheimís go mór faoi chomaoin agaibh dá dtacófar lenár gcrannchur. Tá ticéidí ar díol ag €2 an ceann ag daltaí na scoile, I Siopa Uí Dhunnín agus ar fáil ón scoil.
Beidh an tarraingt ar siúl Dé Céadaoin 21ú lá Nollag sula scarfaimid do Laethanta Saoire na Nollag.
Scoil Mhuire
Each Christmas we hold a raffle in Scoil Mhuire, Ballingeary, to raise much needed funds. We are a very small second level school and our Capitation Grant reflects this fact. Consequently, we depend greatly on money raised by this raffle.
We rely on the generous support from the community for this raffle. Tickets are for sale for €2 each and are available from our students, Siopa Uí Dhuinnín and the school.
The draw will take place on Wednesday 21st December before we break for Christmas Holidays.
Scoil Fhionnbarra
Scoil Fhionnbarra Carol service will be held in the church on Sunday 18th December at 10.40am (immediately after mass). Scoil Fhionnbarra parents association will hold a coffee morning and raffle in the school after the service. There will be donation buckets at the church doors. Coiste na dTuismitheoiri are very grateful for your support.
Agóid & Achainí Co-Action
Míle buíochas le gach éinne a shínigh an achainí agus a thacaigh leis an agóid Dé Sathairn seo caite i gcoinne na hathruithe beartaithe ag Co-Action d’fhoirgneamh na Seirbhísí Leanaí agus Clainne i mBeanntraí. Buíochas ó chroí le Denis O’Leary ó Bhuíonn Phíobairí Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh a bhí i láthair chun seinnt ag an máirseáil agóide i rith na deireadh seachtaine. A bhuíochas leis an tacaíocht a fuarthas ó chian is ó chóngar chuir Feidhmeannacht na Seirbhíse Sláinte in iúl don Aire Anne Rabbitte tráthnóna Déardaoin nach mbeadh aon athrú ar fhoirgneamh na Seirbhísí Leanaí agus Clainne i mBeanntraí.
Míle buíochas le gach éinne a shínigh an achainí agus a thacaigh leis an agóid Dé Sathairn seo caite i gcoinne na hathruithe beartaithe ag Co-Action d’fhoirgneamh na Seirbhísí Leanaí agus Clainne i mBeanntraí. Buíochas ó chroí le Denis O’Leary ó Bhuíonn Phíobairí Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh a bhí i láthair chun seinnt ag an máirseáil agóide i rith na deireadh seachtaine. A bhuíochas leis an tacaíocht a fuarthas ó chian is ó chóngar chuir Feidhmeannacht na Seirbhíse Sláinte in iúl don Aire Anne Rabbitte tráthnóna Déardaoin nach mbeadh aon athrú ar fhoirgneamh na Seirbhísí Leanaí agus Clainne i mBeanntraí.
Co-Action Protest & Petition
Many thanks to everyone who signed the petition and supported last Saturday’s protest against Co-Action’s proposed changes to the Child and Family Services building in Bantry. Huge thank you to Denis O’Leary from the Ballingeary Pipe Band who supported us by playing at last weekend’s protest march. Thanks to all the support, both near and far, the HSE informed Minister Anne Rabbitte on Thursday evening that there woud be no changes to the Child and Family Services building in Bantry.
Feilire 2023
Beart mór griangrfanna seolta
Seol 37 daoine thart ar300 pictuirí
Tá na filteán seolta chuig an moltóir,
Níl aon ainm ná aithine ag an moltóir faoi einne a seol griangraf
Míle buíochas do Brandy as é a eagrú
feach na pictuirí go léir insan nasc seo.
Míle buíochas do gacheinne a seol Griangrafanna.
Agus go neirí libh
2023 Calendar
A huge response to the photo competition and calendar
37 people sent over 300 pictures
The link below has been sent to the judge
No names attached
The judge will choose the three best photos each must be from a different folder.
all photos to be seen on the link below
Thanks a million ot all who sent in photos
And to Brandy for organising
Best of luck
Coiste Forbartha Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh
Tá fís curtha le cheile againn chun na foirgintí Údarais atá le fáil ar cíos as tsráid a fhogairt.
Bheadh sé an huntaistiúil don áit dá mbeadh gnóna ionta go léir
Dean an fís seo a scaipeadh más feidir leat ar Facebook agus Linkedin is pé módh eile gur feidir leat le do thoil
Tá muid fíor bhuíoch do Donal Ó Laoire as an script a leiriú don fís
Is féidir email a seoladh chuig nú glaoch ar Údarás ar 066 91 50100
Coiste Forbartha
The Choiste have produced a video of the industrial, business and office spaces to rent in Ballingeary.
It would be of huge benefit to Ballingeray if these units and offices were fully utilised.
Please share the following link as much as you can on social media apps such as Facebook and Lindedin and any other you may have access to.
A very special thanks to Donal Ó Laoire who presented the script on the video so well.
For information email or ring Údarás on 066 91 50100.
Meitheal na Gaoilainne
Seanfhocail Seachtain 41
Seanfhocail Seachtain 41
Is láidir an capall é an fonn. Desire is a strong horse.
Beir ar an liathróid ar an chéad phreab. Catch the ball on the first bounce.
Dá fhada an lá, tagann an tráthnóna.. However long the day, the evening will come.
Beir ar an liathróid ar an chéad phreab. Catch the ball on the first bounce.
Dá fhada an lá, tagann an tráthnóna.. However long the day, the evening will come.
Eist leis na seanfhocail anseo – Listen to the proverbs here.
Beidh ort Google Drive a bheith agat
Beidh ort Google Drive a bheith agat
Feach ceangailte comh maith
See attached also to listen to the seanfhocail.
Cumann Peile Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh
Gruagaire i gCuan Barra
Is feidir coinne a dhéanamh leis an gruagaire ach glaoch ar Joanne ar 0877798592.
Hairdresser in Cuan Barra
Hairdresser available in Cuan Barra by appointment. Call Joanne on 0877798592.
Teiripeoir Áilleacht
Cecily Ní Chonaill
Cuan Barra gach Ceadaoin
Chuir glaoch/seol téacs chuig Cecily ar 085 167 9563
Cecily O’ Connell
On Wednesdays in Cuan Barra
Call or text Cecily on 085 167 9563
Nuachtlitir an Pharóiste / Parish Newsletter
Feach an nuachtlitir ceangailte
Cumann Ceamara Locha Lua
Pictiúrí na seachtaine/Photos of the week.
Féach faoi iamh pictiúrí na seachtaine ó Chumann Ceamara Locha Lua.
Bhí tearma oscailte an t-seachtain seo. (Griangrafadóirí: Tadhg Ó Duinnín agus Siobhán Sheridan ).
See attached the photos of the week from the local photography club-Cumann Ceamara Locha Lua.
There was an open theme this week. (Photographers Tadhg Dineen and Siobhán Sheridan)

Sa bhreis

Scaip an fhocal