Nuacht na Seachtaine seo (18/6/21)

Slí Eachrois
Tá tóraiocht teaghlaig do aistir ón tsraid go Eachros agus thar nais chuig an tsraid failsithe ag Tuiamathoirí na Gaeltachta.
Eagraithe ag Liadh Ní Riada don plean teanga agus is í Clodagh Ní Dhuinnin a dhein é a chuir le chéiie.
Tá gá toraiocht eile beagnach ullamh chun craoladh comth maith
Táid na dileoga ar fail i siopa Ui Dhuinnin.
Beidh Liadh á scaipeadh sa scoil i rith an tseachtain.
Aheras way
An family treasure hunt has been published by tuismathoirí na gaeltachta.
The hunt starts in the village goes up to Aheras and back to the village again.
Liadh Ní Riada in the plean teanga coordinated the project and Clodagh Ní Dhuinnín compiled it.
There are two more trails almost ready for publishing.
The sheets are available in siopa Uí Dhuinnín
Liadh will distribute the sheets in the school this week.
Scoil Fhionnbarra
Beidh bailiucháin éadaí ag Coiste na dTuismitheoirí Scoil Fhionnbarra arís ar an 26/06/2021 agus an 27/06/2021 idir 11.00rn agus 1in. Is féidir na málaí a thabhairt go dtí an sean naíonra i gColaiste na Mumhan.
Coiste na dTuismitheoiri will hold a clothes collection on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th of June between 11am and 1pm each day. Bags can be dropped into the old naionra in Coláiste na Mumhan building (the room we used for the last collections). Please adhere to HSE guidelines while dropping your bags. If you are unable to drop bags and need them to be collected from you please contact Helen (086) 3404474 or Mairéad (086) 3372942 .Coiste na dTuismitheoirí are very grateful for your continued support. Go raibh maith agaibh go léir.
Coiste Forbartha
Córas séarachas na sraide
The village sewage system
We wish to present a petition to Irish Water to make our displeasure of the village sewage system known to them.
We, the undersigned wish to bring to the attention of Irish Water the unacceptable situation in our village of Ballingeary with respect to waste water and the current septic tank into which waste water is discharged.
Please sign the petition in this link (Just type your name)
Míle buíochas
Meitheal na Gaolainne Bhéal Átha
Frásaí na Seachtaine
An té nach bhfuil láidir ní foláir dó bheith glic/ Whoever is not strong has to be clever
An té nach trua leis do chás, ná déan do ghearán leis/ He who does not sympathise with your plight, don’t make your complaint to him (do not look for sympathy where there is none)
An té nach nglacann comhairle glacfaidh sé comhrac/Whoever will not accept advice must accept strife (he who will not yield to reason will yield to compulsion).
An té nach mbeireann ar an ngnó beireann an gnó air/ He who does not get a grip on the job, the job gets a grip on him
Lapa gé Ceann nua ó Liam Ó Tuama (4 anois faighte)
Féach na 4 lapa gé atá faighte go dtí seo ar an leirsceáil atá sa nasc thíos
Sappers marks ( A new one found by Willie Twomey, 4 in all now)
See the four found so far on this map
Beauty Therapist
Teiripeoir Áilleacht
Cecily Ní Chonaill
Cuan Barra gach Ceadaoin
Chuir glaoch/seol téacs chuig Cecily ar 085 167 9563
Cecily O’ Connell
On Wednesdays in Cuan Barra
Call or text Cecily on 085 167 9563
Ag bualadh gach maidin Satharn ag a 10:45 i gCasadh na Spride.
Mórán cabhair ag teastáil.
Tar amach agus cabhraigh linn.
Tidy Towns
Meeting every Saturday morning in Casadh na Spride to do a few jobs.
Please come along to give a helping hand at 10.45.
Lots to be done and ideas welcome.
Cumann Peile Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh
Nuachtlitir an Pharóiste / Parish Newsletter
Féach ceangailte
Cumann Ceamara Locha Lua
Pictiúrí na seachtaine/Photos of the week.
Féach faoi iamh pictiúrí na seachtaine ó Chumann Ceamara Locha Lua.
Bhí tearma oscailte an t-seachtain seo. (Griangrafadóirí: Nora O’Riordan agus Pádraig Dan Seán )
See attached the photos of the week from the local photography club-Cumann Ceamara Locha Lua.
There was an open theme this week. (Photographers Nora O’Riordan and Pádraig Dan Seán)

Sa bhreis