Nuacht na Seachtaine Seo (18/12/2020)

Coiste Forbartha
Féirín na Nollag’
Féiriní doibh siúd thart ar 70
Míle buíochas do gach einne as ucht bhur gcuid tacaíochta agus flaithiúlachta i dtaca leis an bhfeachtas ‘Féirín na Nollag’ le déanaí. Bhí áthas an domhain ar gach éinne a fuair mála féiríní a bhí lán go barr le rudaí deasa.
Feach pictuirí anseo
Christmas Gift
For those over 70
Many thanks to all that helped and support Coiste Forbartha’s ‘Féirín na Nollag’ campaign in recent weeks.
Nollag Shona daoibh uile.
See photos here
Forás An Súgán
An seachtain seo chaite, bhí an chéad cruinniú Zoom againn leis an foireann Mirador Media Ltd. Tá an conradh faighte ag Mirador chun an staidéar féidearthachta a dhéanamh ar son ‘An Súgán’, an iarsmalann atá molta den Gailge agus Athbheocháin na Gaeilge. Tá an cistiú le haghaidh an staidéar seo chuirtear ar fáil trí Clár LEADER Mhúscrai. Tá an foireann Mirador tar éis measúnú tosaigh den foirgnimh a críochnú.
D’oibrigh Mirador ar suíomhanna turasóireachta ar fud na tíre. Cúpla samplaí áitiúil ná Lifetime Labs san Old Cork Waterworks, Ionad Oidhreachta an Chóibh (Cobh Heritage Centre), agus Ionad Turasóireachta Inis Pic (Spike Island Visitor Centre). Táimíd an-bhuíoch go bhfuil an cistiú againn chun comhlacht den scoth a mealladh don tionscadal seo.
Tógfaidh an staidéar é féin thart ar 10 seachtain, agus féachfaidh sé ar gach taobh den tionscadal chun a féiderathacht a dhéanamh amach, go háirithe ar an méid turasóirí a féidir leis mealladh don ceantar, a h-áit sa phobal, roghanna don foirgnimh, conas a féidir leis oibriú le áiseanna turasóireachta eile sa ceantar, a tábhacht ar leibhéal náisiúnta agus go h-idirnáisiúnta, agus réimse ábhair eile. Beidh an staidéar mar cabhair tábhachtach dúinn I rith an tionscadal seo.
I rith an staidéar, beidh teagmháil le daoine sa phobal chun eolas agus tuaraimí a fháil.
Tógfaidh thú díreach go dtí ábhar ‘An Súgán’ ar suíomh idirlín an gCumann Staire. Is féidir leat an rogha ‘Teangmháil’ a úsáid chun aon smaointí nó moltaí a seoladh don foireann An Súgán.
An Súgán Progress
Last week we held our first Zoom meeting with the team at Mirador Media Ltd . Mirador have been awarded the contract to carry out the feasibility study for “An Súgán”, the proposed museum of the Gaelic Revival and Irish language in Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh. Funding for the feasibility study has been provided through Clár LEADER Mhúscrai. The Mirador team have already carried out an initial assessment of the building.
Mirador has been responsible for many high-profile visitor attractions around Ireland, including, locally: Lifetime Labs in the Old Cork Waterworks; Cobh Heritage Centre; and the Spike Island visitor centre. We are very fortunate to have secured funding to attract such a high-quality partner for the Feasibility Study.
The study itself will last approximately 10 weeks and will look at all aspects of the project to determine its viability: its potential to attract cultural tourism; its place in our community; options for the building; how it can fit with other tourist resources and initiatives in the Mhúscraí area; its significance nationally and internationally, and many other topics. When completed, the final study report will be a valuable guide to moving forward with this project.
During the course of the study, members of the community will be contacted for information and views. will take you directly to the “An Súgán” material on the Cumann Staire website. You can use the “Contact” to send any comments, thoughts or suggestions to the An Súgán team.
Coiste Forbartha –
Tá an féilire ar díol i Siopa Uí Dhuinnín faoi lathair €8 an ceann.
Má theastaíonn uait an feilire a cheannach, agus muna bhfuil slí agat chuig an t-siopa, déan click ar an link thíos agus líon isteach an foirm.
Má theastaíonn uait go mbeadh an féilire seolta chughat sa phost, déan click ar an nasc seo thíos agus ar aghaidh go PayPal.
Íoc anseo – Nasc PayPal.
Coiste Forbartha
Calendars are for sale in Siopa Uí Dhuinnín at present €8 each.
If you would like one delivered to your home in Ballingeary please fill the form in this link
If you would like one posted to you, please fill out the form in this link and make a payment on the PayPal link afterwards
and to pay follow this link
Coiste Forbartha
Crainn Nollag na Staide
Go raibh maith agaibh dos na hóglaig a thug cabhair na crainn Nollaig a chuir i lathair agus a mhaisiú.
Christmas trees
A big thanks to the volunteers that put up and decorated the village Christmas trees.
Cumann Staire Uibh Laoire
Ar díol anois Cuimhne Na nDaoine; bailiúchán logainmeacha agus dinnseanachas Bhéal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh, . Le 1600 logaimneacha agus béaloideas ó foinsí eagsula. Eagraithe ag Pádraig Ó Céilleachair agus foilsithe ag Cumann Staire Uíbh Laoire.
The Cumann Staire have just published Cuimhne Na nDaoine, a collection of placenames and stories from Ballingeary’s 47 townlands.
There are 1600 placenames in all from most farms as well as folklore, mostly in Irish, gathered over the last 200 years. It costs €15 and can be bought in Ballingeary, Macroom Bookshop and Gael-Taca on Sullivan’s Quay in Cork (across the pedestrian bridge on The Grand Parade). It is also available from Ballingeary based at this link
Feach an cludach ceangailte
SVP Annual Appeal
This is going to be a completely different Christmas for everyone, particularly for our SVP members and especially those seeking our assistance. It is usually this time of year that that SVP Annual Appeal takes place and generally in the form of Church Gate Collection but this cannot now take place due to COVID restrictions. .
As donors may not be able to donate to our local Naomh Ronan Conference at the Church Gate, they can now donate directly to your Conference in a number of ways;
You will receive a letter/pre-addressed freepost envelope addressed to Mid-Cork SVP area in the post You are given a number of options on how to donate. Please fill in Naomh Ronan or Ballingeary/Inchigeela in the box provided to ensure any donation will come to our local SVP conference.
Donate locally on
Donors simply need to enter your Conference name or town name in the box ‘Specific location to help’ on the donate page.
Donors can also donate directly to your Conference by calling 0818 176 176 (ROI) or 028 9075 0161 (NI). They simply need to let the person who answers the phone know what town or Conference they would like their donation to go to.
We would like to thank you for your generous contributions to our annual appeal via the church gate collections over the years. All monies collected is used to assist those in need in our parish. We ask to please consider making a contribution, no matter what size, in the new formats outlined above to our annual appeal this year.
Margadh na Nollag
Deis i gcomhar Miondíoltóirí Áitiúil
Feach ar a margadh anseo
Tá an Nollag ag teacht!
Toisc nach bhfuil na margaí Nollag áitiúla ag dul ar aghaidh i mbliana, táimid chun iad a thógaint ar líne! Má tá suim agat bheith páirteach agus feasacht a thabhairt ar do chuid táirgí ar ár suíomh agus na meáin shóisialta go h-áitiúil, ná bíodh leisce ort teagmháil a dhéanamh le Eadaoin ar (085) 715 6616 nó chun níos mó eolais a fháil.
Coimeád súil amach ar ár leathanach sna seachtainí amach romhainn.
Christmas Market
Opportunity for Local sellers
See the online market here
Christmas is coming!
Given that many of our local Christmas markets won’t be going ahead this year, we’ve decided to bring them online! If you’re interested in taking part and showcasing your products on our webpage and local media pages, don’t hesitate to contact Eadaoin on (085) 715 6616 or at for more information.
Keep an eye out for updates on our page in the coming weeks.
Umar Tomhais Baistí
Ta an Choiste Forbartha ag lorg duine éigin chun tomhasanna umar uisce a thógaint gach lá.
Má tá suim ag éinne, freagair an ríomhphost seo le’d thoil
The Rain gauge
In the last Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh Abú we presented some historical
rainfall data from 1948 until 2017. These data were measured each day at
Scoil Mhuire and nowadays can be sent by text message to Met Eireann.
Those measurements ceased in May of this year, and Met Eireann would
like them to restart. As residents know, the rainfall in the catchment
is very variable and these daily measurements are invaluable to Met
Eireann and to the community. (Think flooding and slipping bogs
associated with windfarms).
The Met Eireann representative is happy that the rain gauge (which is
really a container, about the size of a large coke bottle, buried in the
ground with a funnel attached,) be moved by up to 1 mile from the
current location at Scoil Mhuire if necessary. They do not favour public
spaces for the gauge because of concerns about interference.
Coiste Forbartha is looking for a household near the village who would
be prepared to accommodate the gauge in an open space (garden) and take
the daily measurements. (A small fee is payable by Met Eireann). For
families with children in school, this is a great opportunity to make
some “real science” measurements and will encourage an interest in
climate change and environmental issues.
An initial commitment of one or two years would be required, after
which time the gauge could be moved on to someone else if necessary.
If interested please reply to this email
Coiste Forbartha Béal Átha
Tá suíomh idirlíon nua curtha le chéile ag an gCoiste
Oibrionn comh maith
Beidh Nuacht na Seachtaine ar fáil ann gach Aoine
Aon smaointí cur chuig
New website
The committee has launched a new website works also.
Nuacht na Seachtaine will be available on it every Friday
Any comments /ideas to
Teiripeoir Áilleacht
Beauty Therapist
Cecily Ní Chonaill
Call or text this number
085 167 9563
Chuir glaoch/Seol téacs chuig an uimhir seo
085 167 9563
Siopa Uí Dhuinnín
Tá an siopa ag déanamh seiribís tí faoi lathair.
Chun aon rud a ordú ón siopa cuir glaoch ar 026 47129
Dineen’s shop is operating a home delivery service
To avail of this service please ring 026 47129.
Cumann Peil Béal Áthan Ghaorthaidh
Toradh Seachtainiúil an Lotto
Pota Óir €21,600
Dáta 14/12/2020
3 21 22 25
Ní raibh aon buaiteoir
Duaiseanna Aitheantas
€75 Ben Cotter
Díoltóir Frank Dineen
€40 Fionn Murphy
€20 Siobhán Ní Thuama
€20 Mairead Ní Cheilleachair
€20 Ann Marie Thompson
Crannchur na Nollag
Buaiteoirí na Spotduaiseanna
Bonus Christmas Prizes winners
3 x €100 Seàn & Nance Uí Laoire, Gerard Dineen & Màirín Uí Thuama
4 x €50 Trisha Lehane, Caroline Uí Laoire, Nóra Uí Thuama & Tadgh Ó Criodáin
Pota Óir €21,800
Faigh do thicéid i Siopa Uí Dhuinnín
Nuachtlitir an Pharóiste / Parish Newsletter
Féach ceangailte
Cumann Ceamara Locha Lua
Pictiúrí na seachtaine/Photos of the week.
Féach faoi iamh pictiúrí na seachtaine ó Chumann Ceamara Locha Lua.
Bhí tearma oscailte an t-seachtain seo. (Griangrafadóirí: Eileen Dan Sean, Pat Cremin agus Tadhg ÓDuinnín )
See attached the photos of the week from the local photography club-Cumann Ceamara Locha Lua.
There was an open theme this week. (Photographers: Eileen Dan Sean, Pat Cremin and Tadhg Dineen)



Sa bhreis


