Nuacht na seachtaine seo (23/12/2022)

Nollaig Shona do gach éine
An Féilire
Tá na féilire ar fáil i Siopa Uí Dhuinnín faoi lathair €8
Míle buíochas do John Moynihan JM Energy Savings as ucht an urraíocht.
An-gaisce deanta ag Brandy as an feilire a chuir le chéíle arís i mbliana
Go raibh mle do gach einne a seol griangrafanna
Céad Áit Liam Ó Chroinín
Dara áít Seán Ó Argáin
Triú Ait Seán Óg Ó Cheilleachair
Feach griangrafanna don bronnadh
The Calendar
The calendar is available in Siopa Uí Dhuinnín at present €8
Thanks very much to John Moynihan of JM Energy Savings for sponsoring the calendar this year.
A great job done by Brandy again in putting the calendar together. Thanks so much.
First place Liam Cronin
Second place John Horgan
Third Place Séan Dan Seán
See photos of the presentations
TART, new members welcome. Avail of the service immediately.
This service offers a drop off and collection service to the local pubs on Saturday and Sunday nights between 6PM and Midnight. All you have to do to avail of this service is take your turn as the designated driver every few months. The service is run via WhatsApp, and is for people living in Ballingeary(must have Ballingeary Eircode). There are currently 2 groups, one for Saturday and one for Sunday. With current numbers you would be the designated driver once every 19 weeks on a Saturday, and once every 29 weeks on a Sunday, then it’s free spins for the rest of the year. If you would like to join either group, please WhatsApp your name to 086 8252157.
This service offers a drop off and collection service to the local pubs on Saturday and Sunday nights between 6PM and Midnight. All you have to do to avail of this service is take your turn as the designated driver every few months. The service is run via WhatsApp, and is for people living in Ballingeary(must have Ballingeary Eircode). There are currently 2 groups, one for Saturday and one for Sunday. With current numbers you would be the designated driver once every 19 weeks on a Saturday, and once every 29 weeks on a Sunday, then it’s free spins for the rest of the year. If you would like to join either group, please WhatsApp your name to 086 8252157.
Má theastionn uaide einne ata i conaí i mBéal Áth aan comhras tart a úsaid i rith na Nollaig níl le deanamh ach glaoch a chuir at Mick ar 086 8252157.
Tá mór failte roimh aon clann a mhaith leo bheith mar páirt don cómhras.
Ranganna Adhmadoireachta
Criochnaigh an 6 rang aréír
Dineadh 4 coirceoga agus murán eile
FOLÚNTAIS Ghlór na nGael
Tar ag obair linn!
Ar mhaith leatsa a bheith ar fhoireann Ghlór na nGael? Nó an bhfuil aithne agat ar dhuine a bheadh tiománta do chuspóirí na heagraíochta?
Tá roinnt folúntas againn faoi láthair:
Oifigigh Forbartha (5 phost)
Leabharchoiméadaí (1 phost)
Is é an spriocdháta le haghaidh iarratais ná 21 Nollaig. Beidh na hagallaimh ar siúl i lár mhí Eanáir.
Tá gach eolas maraon le foirm iarratais ar líne ar fáil anseo:
nó déan teagmhail le:
Tar ag obair linn!
Ar mhaith leatsa a bheith ar fhoireann Ghlór na nGael? Nó an bhfuil aithne agat ar dhuine a bheadh tiománta do chuspóirí na heagraíochta?
Tá roinnt folúntas againn faoi láthair:
Oifigigh Forbartha (5 phost)
Leabharchoiméadaí (1 phost)
Is é an spriocdháta le haghaidh iarratais ná 21 Nollaig. Beidh na hagallaimh ar siúl i lár mhí Eanáir.
Tá gach eolas maraon le foirm iarratais ar líne ar fáil anseo:
nó déan teagmhail le:
Cumann Peile Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh
Nuachtlitir an Pharóiste / Parish Newsletter
Feach an nuachtlitir ceangailte
Feach an nuachtlitir ceangailte
Comortas an Féilire
Feach na griangrafanna a bhuaigh ceangailte
Calendar Competition
See the winning pictures attached

Sa bhreis

An Nuachtlitir
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