Nuacht na Seachtaine seo (2/10/2020)

Cumann Peile Naomh Fionnbarra
Comthgairdeas do NF
Cluiche don scoth a bhí ann.
Maith sibh
An Coiste Forbartha.
Muileann Gaoithe
Tá Wingleaf tréis achomharc a chuir isteach chuig an Bórd Pleanala
Tá an deis againn go léir breathnaithe a chuir isteach chuig An Bórd ina chuinne
Tá 3 seachtain againn chun ié a dheanamh
Feach an achomharc a chuir Wingleaf isteach chuig an Bórd ar an link thíos
Wind turbines
Wingleaf Planning Appeal ABP-308244-20 against Cork Co Co planning refusal 20/00350
For: 7 x 178 metre turbine Windfarm and Battery Storage at Curraglass (Keimaneigh/Gougane Barra)
As you know Coiste Forbartha Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh also appealed this planning refusal to An Bord Pleanála as being too “soft”.
If you were one of the 57 people who objected to the Wingleaf application, you will have or soon will have received a registered letter from Cork Co Co telling you that you can inspect the documents at the Council Office and can pass comment for a fee of €50.
Because we also appealed. Coiste Forbartha has a paper copy of the Wingleaf Appeal. If the Council does not put this on-line in the next day or two, we will scan it and make it available on line.
Also because we appealed, we (Coiste Forbartha) are allowed to make observations at no cost (only on the Wingleaf Appeal). So if you have observations which you would like to make through Coiste Forbartha at no cost, let us know.
We have to reserve the right NOT to submit anything we think might get us into trouble, so you can still pay your €50 and “go your own way”. You could pool comments into one €50 set of observations if you wanted to.
We have 4 weeks from 25/09/2020 to do this and the comments need to be received on paper in Dublin by then.
Le meas
Coiste Forbartha
This is a link to a drive account which contains both the Wingleaf and the Coiste Forbartha’s appeals
Coiste an Halla
Míle buíochas as do thacaíocht leis an crannchur do Coiste an Halla. D’ardaíomar 510 euro iontach.
Cuideoidh an t-airgead a bhaileofar leis an Halla sna hamanna éiginnte seo.
Buíochas mór le Siopa Frank, Cronin’s Cafe, agus le Peter Cox Photography as duaiseanna flaithiúla a bhronnadh. Agus buíochas breise le Siopa Frank as an crannchur a óstáil.
Le haghaidh grianghraif agus liosta iomlán na mbuaiteoirí, téigh chuig:
Many thanks for your support of the raffle for Coiste an Halla. We raised an amazing 510 euro. The money raised will help the Halla in these uncertain times.
Many thanks to Siopa Frank, Cronin’s Cafe, and Peter Cox Photography for donating generous prizes. And extra thanks to Siopa Frank for hosting the raffle.
For photos and a complete list of winners, go to:
Cumann Ceamara Locha Lua
Beidh an feilire á chuir ar bun arís roimh na Nollag
Ná dean dearmad cupla pictiúir a thogaint.
The yearly calendar will be put together again this year.
Please take some photos.
Picture must be taken in the Ballingeary area.
Ostán Gugán Barra
Feach an biachlár don takeaway don t-seachtain seo ceangailte.
Tá níos mó ar fáil ar an suíomh chomh maith. Féach agus ordaigh anseo:
See this week’s take-away menu attached.
Teiripeoir Áilleacht
Beauty Therapist
Cecily Ní Chonaill
Call or text this number
085 167 9563
Chuir glaoch/Seol téacs chuig an uimhir seo
085 167 9563
Nuachtlitir an Pharóiste / Parish Newsletter
Feach ceangailte
Cumann Ceamara Locha Lua
Pictiúirí na seachtaine/Photos of the week.
Féach faoi iamh pictiúirí na seachtaine ó Chumann Ceamara Locha Lua.
Bhí tearma oscailte an t-seachtain seo. (Griangrafadóirí: Eithne Concannon, Siobhan Dan Sean agus Vaughan Taylor )
See attached the photos of the week from the local photography club-Cumann Ceamara Locha Lua.
There was an open theme this week. (Photographers: Eithne Concannon, Siobhan Dan Sean and Vaughan Taylor)
Cumann Ceamara Locha Lua