Nuacht an Seachatine seo (18/9/2020)

Coiste Forbartha Uair amháin eile
Thanks a million for the excellent response from Béal Átha
461 people have now added their name to the petition
and 58 families /people have contributed €1,135 to the fund.
If we could reach 500 names on the petition and €1,500 to the fund it would be just amazing.
Míle buíochas sibh
see below for details
Coiste Forbartha to Appeal Gougane Barra Windmill Application!
Coiste Forbartha Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh is going to appeal the recent Cork County Council planning authority refusal for the windfarm and battery storage at Curraglass (Near Gougane). Although the developer’s application was refused, our concerns remain about several issues, the biggest of which is battery safety (which is a very real worry). These and certain other issues we raised did not feature in the planners’ reasons for refusal.
If we do not do this, the developer can appeal against the refusal without having to make any safety case whatsoever, because the planners did not raise this issue when they refused the developers first application.
The cost of a single appeal is €220, and this is only open to those who previously objected, which Coiste Forbartha did on behalf of those who signed our petition.
Coiste Forbartha will engage an experienced solicitor to act as “agent” for our appeal, which can represent the views of the community as a whole.
The overall cost will be in the region of €1,500 for which we are asking your contributions. (150 contributions of €10 for example would cover it)
If we exceed the €1500 we will retain the funds for the next “windmill battle”.
To donate, click here…..
Sorry about the trathnagceist extension.
Our petition for Curraglass is still open and if you haven’t already done so, you can sign up here…
If you do not have a PayPal account but wish to contribute please hand in to Siopa Uí Dhuinnín
Níl neart go cuir le chéile
Costas Ticéad: €2 an ceann nó 3 do €5
Tabhair cuairt ar www.anhallabealatha.
Tá ticéad ar fáil i Siopa Frank ó 4-26 Meán Fómhair.
Le h-aghaidh eolas ar na duaiseanna nó dein teaghmháil le:
Ann 089 9227981/Ellie 087 3741996
Míle buíochas as ucht bhúr tacaíocht!
The Halla Committee Raffle
Raffle for the upkeep of An Halla, Ballingeary
Fantastic Prizes
Tickets: €2 each or 3 for €5.
Visit: www.anhallabealatha.
Tickets are available at Frank’s Shop from September 4th.
For any other information, contact Ann 0879227981/Ellie 0873741996
Thank you for your support!
beir beo
nasc go dtí an fiseán.
Ní bheidh boláil do daoine óga an t-seachtain seo
Road Bowling
There won’t be bowling for underage this week.
Feach an biachlár don takeaway don t-seachtain seo ceangailte.
Tá níos mó ar fáil ar an suíomh chomh maith. Féach agus ordaigh anseo: https://gougane-barra-
See this week’s take-away menu attached.
Beauty Therapist
Cecily Ní Chonaill
Call or text this number
085 167 9563
Chuir glaoch/Seol téacs chuig an uimhir seo
085 167 9563
Nuachtlitir an pharóiste faoi iamh / See parish newsletter attached.
Pictiúirí na seachtaine/Photos of the week.
Féach faoi iamh pictiúirí na seachtaine ó Chumann Ceamara Locha Lua.
Bhí tearma oscailte an t-seachtain seo. (Griangrafadóirí: Tadhg Ó Duinnín, Eithne Concannon agus Siobhán Dan Seán)
See attached the photos of the week from the local photography club-Cumann Ceamara Locha Lua.
There was an open theme this week. (Photographers: Tadhg Ó Duinnín, Eithne Concannon and Siobhán Dan Seán )