Muileann Gaoithe
Wind Turbine Committee
Cuireadh an coiste seo ar bun i 2020 toisc buairt faoi an líon mór muileann gaoithe inár dtimpeallacht.
Tá múrán don pobal ar na gcoiste.
This committee was assembled in 2020 due to concerns about the hugh number of wind turbines in our surrounding countryside.
Many of the local community are members of the committee.

Imeachtaí ag an gcoiste.
24 July
The Coiste Forbartha submit an objection and launch a petition which assembles 372 signatures against a planning permission application for 12, 172m turbines and 4 battery units at Curraglass near Gougane.
28 August
The County Council refuse the planning application for the turbines and batteries at Curraglass by the Pass of Céim an Fhia.
4 September 2020
An Coiste Forbartha write to An Bord Pleanála with regards to the Substitute Consent Application, for the dormant Windfarm at Cleanrath. 420 signatures accompany this submission.
22 September
Coiste Forbartha appealed to An Bórd Pleanala against the planning refusal by the Council for the Curraglass wind farm.
22 October
The Coiste submit observations on Wingleaf’s appeal to An Bórd Pleanála