Coiste na mBailte Slachtmhara
The Tidy Towns
Ag déanamh an tsráid a chuir in eagair leis na blianta
Cuirtear isteach ar Comórtas Na mBailte Slachtmhara gach bliain
Bíonn morán obair deonach i gceist
Making the village look her best for many years
The Tidy Towns competition is entered every year
It involves a huge amount of voluntary work throught the year
Pictiúirí trí na blianta
Some pictures throughout the years
Imeachtaí i rith na bliana
- Claí leis an bplean cúig bliana.
- Bruscar ar na bóthaire a phiocadh suas.
- Péint a chuir ar tithe na sráide.
- Athchóiriú ar Casadh na Spride.
- Plandaí a chuir.
- An foirm iarratas a líonadh.
- Plandaí a uisciú.
- Tírdhreacha a dhéanamh.
- Fiailí a coimead faoi smacht.
- Bruscar na sráide a piocadh gach lá.
Activities during the year
- Work to the five year plan.
- Pick the litter on all approach roads.
- Paint houses in the village.
- Tidy Casadh na Spride.
- Plant flowers.
- Fill application form.
- Water plants.
- Plan & maintain the landscaping.
- Cut grass.
- Keep on top of weeds.
- Pick litter every day.