Airgead a Sholáthar.
Tá Coiste Forbartha ag lorg airgid le haghaidh costaisí reatha agus tionscnaimh nua.
The Coiste Forbartha is in need of money for continued work and new projects
Imeachtaí an Choiste Forbartha le dhá bhliain anuas
Activities of the Coiste Forbartha over the last two years
Ríomhphost seachtanúil
Suíomh idirlín / curtha le chéile
Foirm iarratas do Comortas na mbailte slachtmhara
Boscaí bruscar na sraide a folmhú
Piocadh an bruscar na bothaire agus na sráide a eagrú
Ceithre cuairt ar daoine thar tar ar 70 le bronntanais a eagrú
Ceithre tráth na gceist i rith an dianghlasáil
Ceolchoirm Lá le Pádraigh a chuir in eagair
Friotaíocht i gcoinne gá feirm gaoithe
Comhartha teilifíse a bhí lochtaithe de bhfabhar na feirmeacha gaoithe a comhordanáidiú
Iarratais airgead a chuir faoi bhráid an Comhairle agus comhlachtaí na muilte gaoithe
Brú ar an comhairle chun dromhcla na bóthaire a feabhsú
Brú ar Irish Water chun an comhras séarachas a shocrú
Blathanna na sraide
Ealaín na sraide (Rothair, tithe na héin, boird na beacáin, gairdín na seoga)
Casadh na Spride a coimead in eagair is a feabhsú
An dionglanadh a eagrú
Peintáil na sraide a cordanú
Siulóid starúil na sraide a leiriú is a chuir i lathair
7 Bealach siuloide agus rothaiochta a mapáil is a leiriú
Talamh lastíor do Earraí Adhmad a ceannach i gcóir siuloidú is slí chun na habhainn
An Sean Choláiste a ceannach le cabhair ó clan aitiúil chun iarsmalann oscailt
Íoch as stadéir feidearacht don iarsmalann
An Gaolainn an chuir chun cinn
Siúlóidí sleibhe a eagrú
Podchraoltaí Gaolainne
Dara áít i comortas náisiúnta Glór na Gael
Ranganna Gaoilainne
Ranganna Adhmadoireachta as gaeilge
Frásaí na Seachtaine insan email
Campa samhraidh
Bosca telephone / defoblóir a crothú is a chuir i lathair
Feilire na Nollaig
Na crainn Nollaig a chuir i lathair
Mol an Óige
Fís pictuirí bliaintúil.
Plé le Udarás faoi fostaiocht
Weekly email
Construction of internet site /
Tidy Towns application
Empty village bins
Organise road and village litter picks
4 visits with gifts to over 70’s
4 Quizzes during lockdown
St Patrick’s day Concert
Objections to two wind farm sites, including appeal to An Bord Pleanala and organising a petition.
Correction of TV reception due to turbines
Various Applications for funding from Windfarms, and County Council
Lobby for road surface improvements.
Lobby for the sewage system upgrade including submission of a petition to Irish Water, and meeting with County Council.
Village flowers
Village art (Bikes, Bird houses, Mushroom tables, Fairy garden)
Maintain and improve Casadh na Spride
Power washing of walls and buildings
Coordination of painting in the village
Historical village walk, with illustrated signage
7 cycling and walking routes signed and mapped
Purchase of land behind Earrai Adhmad for river access and walks. Funding for feasibility study for Board walk and registration of Walking trails with sport Ireland applied for by West Cork Development Partnership on our behalf. (Result pending)
Environmental impact report on new land completed
Success in persuading the Co Council to apply to central government for funding to upgrade the public toilets (decision pending)
Complete the purchase through a generous gift from a local family of the Seana Cholaiste for Ireland’s first museum of the Irish Language and Gaelic Revival .
Apply for and achieve EU “LEADER “ grant 90% funding to carry out a professional feasibility study for the museum Study will complete in September 2021
Submit comments to the Government Draft Policy on Windfarm Community Fund administration
Submit comments to the Cork County Draft Development Plan
Promotion of the language
Hill walking
Irish Podcasts
Second place in national Glór na Gael competition
Historical podcasts
Irish Classes
Irish phrases in email
Summer camp
Making of Defibrillator box (telephone box)
Christmas Calendar
Christmas Trees
Mol an Óige Concert
Yearly photo video
Contact with Udaras about employment
Tionscanaibh amach as seo
Future plans
Leanúint le gnóna laethúil
Na leithireasí poiblí a usgradú
Soilse a chuir ar droichead Inse an Fhosaigh
Obair a thosnú ar an talamh nus ceanaithe
Airgead a sholathar don iarsmalann
Comthraí fáilte / slán nua a chuir i lathair
Caidean an uisce sa tsráid a measúnú
Siomhanna starúil a foisiú
Plean 5 bliana do Bhéal Átha a foilsiú
Continuation of the above
Upgrading of the public toilets
Bridge lighting on Inse an Fhosaigh bridge
Feasibility study leading to Construction work on newly purchased land behind Earrai Adhmad
Securing funding for the museum implementation phase following the feasibility study completion.
Install new welcome / goodbye signage for the village
Water quality readings
Recording of historical sites in Ballingeary
Publish a 5-year “Vision” Plan for Ballingeary
2 slí chun airgead a seoladh.
2 ways to donate
Paypal chuig
Siopa Uí Dhuinnín (Clúdach litreach le do ainm ar)
Paypal to
Dineens Shop ( An envelope with your name on it)
Geobhaigh gach einne a seolann airgead carta buíochas ón gCoiste Forbartha
Everyone that donates will receive a thank you card from the Coiste Forbartha